NaviServer - programmable web server

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ns_quotehtml(n) 4.99.19 naviserver "NaviServer Built-in Commands"


ns_quotehtml - Escape HTML characters so they appear as-is in HTML pages

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Returns the contents of HTML with certain characters that are special in HTML replaced with an escape code. The resulting text can be literally displayed in a webpage with an HTML renderer. Specifically:

& becomes &

< becomes &lt;

> becomes &gt;

' becomes &#39;

" becomes &#34;

All other characters are unmodified in the output.


ns_quotehtml html


   % ns_quotehtml "Hello World!"
   Hello World!
   % ns_quotehtml "The <STRONG> tag is used to indicate strongly emphasized text."
   The &lt;STRONG&gt; tag is used to indicate strongly emphasized text.
   % ns_quotehtml {<span class="foo">}
   &lt;span class=&#34;foo&#34;&gt;

NOTES The set of characters that are substituted and their replacements may be different in previous versions of NaviServer. For example, NaviServer 2.x did not escape single or double-quotes.


HTML, encoding, global built-in